Kamasz Ewelina

Name: Ewelina Kamasz
Place of work: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Department of Clinical, Developmental and Educational Psychology, Faculty of Social Science, since 2017
Position: Ph.D. in psychology, Assistant professor
Address: Oczapowskiego 2, 10-719 Olsztyn, POLAND
E-mail: ewelina.kamasz@uwm.edu.pl
Field of expertise: social psychology, cognitive psychology, sexology and health education


Academic and practical experience

Positions held in academic and professional settings

2022 Lecturer at University of Zadar

2022 Lecturer at Olsztyńska Wyższa Szkoła in Olsztyn

2022 Lecturer at Collegium Humanum in Warsaw

2021 - present - member of the editorial team of Przegląd Psychologiczny (Psychological Review)

2021 Lecturer at University of Valencia

2021-2022 Lecturer at Helena Chodkowska University of Technology and Commerce in Warsaw

2020 - Lecturer at Olsztyn Children's University

2019 - present - Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Psychology, Development and Education at UWM WNS

2017-2019 Assistant in the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at WNS UWM

2017- present - Psychologist at the Academic Center for Psychological Assistance and Psychoeducation "Empathy"

2015 Psychologist at School Complex No 21 in Bydgoszcz

2012-2019 Lecturer at the Institute of Psychology UKW in Bydgoszcz


Research and practice projects

2015 Lund University, Sweden, course in entrepreneurship and soft skills necessary for cooperation with the economy entitled "TransFormation.doc" implemented under the system project no: POIG.01.01.03-00-001/08 "Support of management system of scientific research and its results"

2021 University of Valencia, Spain, scientific and didactic internship within the project no. POWR.03.05.00-00-Z310/17 titled "Development Program of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn”

Selected publications

  1. Kamasz, E. (2021). NFZ Health Academy - approaches used by the National Health Fund (NFZ) to promote healthy lifestyle and physical activity among Poles via web and social media during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(2), 1064 – 1070.
  2. Kamasz, E., Pilarska, N. Włodarczyk, A. (in press). Ciąża i poród w opiniach młodych kobiet. Przegląd Pedagogiczny.
  3. Kamasz, E., Kucera, K. (2021). Students emotions and attitudes towards reading in Polish and English - the case of a Esl primary school students: a pilot probe. Prima Educatione, 5, 133-148.
  4. Kamasz, E. (2020). Digital natives and how to teach them. In: R. Sajna-Kunowsky. A. Garczewska (eds.), Future of media, changing journalism and new communication. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo UKW.
  5. Kamasz, E., Pilarska, N., Włodarczyk, A. (2020). Znaczenie traumatycznych narracji porodowych oraz oceny opieki ginekologicznej jako czynnika rozwoju tokofobii w oczach młodych kobiet. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides et Ratio 43(3), 320-333.